Classes are held at The Adult Community Center, 601 Chestnut Street, San Carlos
Monthly classes are ongoing and run $122 per month (8 classes) for residents, $142 for non-residents.
or $18 per session drop-in after the first week of the month.
Mondays and Wednesdays
5:45 PM till - 6:45 PM
To register call 650-802-438 or online at www.cityofsancarlos.org, or just show up and register!

Classes are held at
Women's Care
2900 Whipple Aveenue, Suite #135
Redwood City, CA 94062
Two consecutive Tuesday Nights
6:30 till 9:30 PM
$175.00 per couple
To register call 650-712-1232 or E-mail birthbabe@comcast.net
Please call for details
Other Resources
New Life Chiropractic in San Carlos - www.MyNewLifeChiro.com
Jody Simon - Doula - www.doulajodysimon.com
Yinfinite Wellness - Acupuncture - www.yinfinitewellness.com
Healthy Horizons Peninsula Breastfeeding Center - www.babiesandmoms.com
Sheridan Ross - Lactation Specialist - www.babysips.com
Tracey Jedrzejek - Lactation Specialist - tracey@traceylactation.com
Eunice Kan - Acupuncturist - www.livewelltcm.com
Shannon Savage - Wellness Coach - www.besavagewell.com
The Reading Bug - San Carlos - www.thereadingbug.com
Prenatal Fitness
Childbirth Classes

My childbirth classes cover all aspects of birth, from the physical to the emotional, and are designed for everyone, whether you desire a natural birth, or opt for medication. If you live in the Redwood City/San Carlos area, there is a good chance your obstetrician recommends my classes.
I cover warning signs, the stages and phases of labor, including medication pros and cons, breathing and relaxation, labor coach techniques, C-section (also how to avoid one) back labor, pushing, emotional aspects, post-partum and much more. Students are given great informational handouts including breastfeeding techniques, a birth film to watch and return, humor and good support! My couples leave my classes with all the knowledge they need to have a good birth experience, and feel confident and prepared.
I also discuss and demonstrate alternative methods, such as the birth ball, acupressure points, squatting techniques, massage, aromatherapy, positions for labor and delivery and how to work with your body and mind. Positive thinking changes everything.
The personal touch is extremely important in dealing with my moms and dads and the numerous issues and challenges they will have before them as new parents. Therefore, I call all my students before they deliver, and regularly for 2 months afterwards, to help smooth out the bumps in the road they are now on. I too, have made lifelong friends in the process!